Ehsaas Langar Program Online Registration Open 2023

Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi, Blessing from Allah to Pakistan, has planned to open the langar khana for the people, mazdoor, and those who are away from their houses and can’t afford the food from outside. Total 112 Ehsaas Langar Program Khana PM Imran Khan opened in different cities within 2 years of his government.
Also Read: Ehsaas Tahafuz Program Registration Check
Ehsaas Langar Khana online registration for needy people who deserve free food. The Ehsaas rashan program is a different ehsaas program from the ehsaas langar khana. If you want to register for the ehsaas rashan program cnic, check online registration on the 8171 check online 2023 registration.
Register Online Here
The Ehsas welfare organizations are in trouble of resistance to the carry on Langar Khana Jat and the pressure on the management from the new federal govt of PM shahbaz Sharif to close the langar khana. When in the time of high inflation, people now need it.
The prices of everything are going to the highest point, now the mazdoor and poor people need the langar khana, it is the biggest support to them, but our new federal party PDM does not understand. The PMLN PPP govt also closed the Ehsaas Rehri baan.

But on the other side, the Federal Govt and Minister Shazia Marri Jan of BISP are running other Ehsaas Programs for the needy. The common families are facilitated by the Ehsaas program 25000 cash, with which they can run their kitchen and other expenses.
Prime Minister Imran Khan opened the first Ehsaas Langar Khana Online Registration in Islamabad on 7th October 2019, where deserving people started eating daily free food, the number of daily people approximately 800. After it, 33 langar khanas opened in Punjab, Balochistan, Sindh, KPK and Gilgit. The PTI Govt had planned to open more Ehsas Langar Khana, but after the vote of no confidence, that plan failed. Insha Allah, now soon Imran will be the Prime Minister of Pakistan and resume all work again for the Poor people.
Ehsaas Langar Program 2023 Online Registration Criteria
There are no Ehsaas langar khana registration, labour, and daily wagers can eat 2 times food free from langar khana. The government opened the langar khana near the general bus stands, hospitals, etc., in which every needy person can eat food doesn’t where he comes from and what he is doing.

To check where the ehsaas langar program khanas are, download the ahsas app and install it to check the list of langar khanas and locations. App Download From Google PlayStore
How To Apply Through Ehsaas Langar App 2023
You will see the three options when you download and install the app. Just fill in the details. If you find the Langar Khana, click on the nearby Ehsas langar Khana, and select your district from the list. In the district you choose now, you will see Langar khana and Panagah Click on the Langar Khana. You will get the nearest one now. Click and get the exact location.
Then fill in the details, asking
- Name of Trust
- Meal Timing Schedule
- Phone Number
- Management
- Address
Again open the ihsaas Langar Khan App and tap on the Address of Langar Khana via Google Maps.
The last and 3rd option is on App Registration of Social DEP which finds you Panagah and Langar Khana.
Also Read: Ehsaas Amdan Program 2023
If you don’t have a Smartphone, then remember the one thing to find the Langar Khana and Panagah. All the Langar Khana and Panagah are built near the Bus stand. Just visit there, and you will find it.
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