Desi Month Date Today in Pakistan 2023 [Punjabi Calendar]

Desi Month Date Today in Pakistan

Pakistani months are distinct from their European and North American counterparts in both name and holiday associations. There are four distinct seasons in Pakistan, and each one lasts for three months. Desi months on the calendar shed light on the history, traditions, and climate of this stunning South Asian nation.

Desi Month Date Today in Pakistan

As of this writing, it is Thursday, June 8, 2023. Today is the 25th day of Jeth, year 2023 according the Desi calendar.

Desi Month Date Today in Pakistan

Desi Months in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are twelve desi months.

  1. Poh [December/January]

Pongal, often spelled Poh, is a harvest festival common in southern India and southwestern Pakistan. This celebration, which celebrates the end of the old North Indian solar year, takes its name from the Tamil word for the first harvest of the year. Typically, this holiday is observed in either December or January. It’s the beginning of a new year, and everyone is in a celebratory mood because of it. Bright colors are worn, and gifts are given and received. The holiday season is also a time for friends and family to get together and play games and observe customs. Chaand Raat, Diwali, and Baraat, three of Pakistan’s most major religious and cultural celebrations, all lead up to Poh, and the season’s pinnacle event. In gratitude to the Gods for the bountiful harvest and year, people celebrate with feasts and delectable delicacies.

Check: News about Desi Events

  1. Magh [January/February]

The month of Magh, one of the holiest in the Islamic calendar, is widely celebrated across Pakistan. It heralds the arrival of spring and occurs somewhere between January and February. Festivals like Basant and Jashn-e-Baharaan are held during Magh to celebrate the arrival of spring and the growth of flowers and flora that comes with the warmer weather. Picnics, hiking, and kite-flying are just some of the popular outdoor activities among families. It is believed that beginning a new business, getting married, or engaging in spiritual activities during Magh will bring success.

  1. Phaggan [February/March]

The second month of winter, Phaggan is a cold and dark time of year. During this season, temperatures are often between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius. This is the time of year when farmers begin plowing their fields in preparation for the impending harvest. Likewise, the weather in Pakistan’s mountain ranges is great for trekking in this month. Skiing, snowboarding, and sledding are just a few of the various winter sports that may be enjoyed at this time.

  1. Chet [March/April]

Pakistan’s Hindus observe a month-long festival during Chet (the fourth month of the Hindu lunar calendar). The exact dates vary annually based on the lunar calendar, but are often between the months of March and April. The Hindu community celebrates the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new cycle of life with the festival of Chet. Singing, dancing, feasting, processions, and trips to the temples are all part of the festival’s festivities. It is also a moment to reflect on the past year with gratitude and look ahead with hope.

  1. Vaisakh [April/May]

During the months of April and May, people all throughout Pakistan celebrate Vaisakh, a harvest festival. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in Mecca during this month, and later moved to Medina with his followers, according to Islamic tradition. Muslims and non-Muslims alike get together to observe the month with special prayers and feasts. Charity is also collected from individuals and provided to those in need. Singing, dancing, and eating are also common parts of the celebration. During this time, people show their appreciation for one another by giving and receiving gifts.

  1. Jeth [May/June]

The second month of summer, Jeth is in the middle of the year. Average high temperatures in Pakistan reach 48 degrees Celsius in the hottest month of June. People should stay inside throughout this month due to the extreme temperatures. Vegetable and fruit production both drop significantly during this season due to the oppressive heat. The monsoon rains, which typically begin to fall in July, find good conditions this month as well.

  1. Harh [June/July]

Pakistan experiences the warmest weather in June and July. Humans are exposed to temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius and higher. People adapt to the rising frequency of heatwaves by wearing loose, light-colored clothing and seeking shade wherever feasible. Overuse of air conditioners and other electrical devices frequently results in power outages, resulting in significant productivity losses for businesses around the country.

  1. Sawan [July/August]

The summer month of Sawan is the third month overall. The monsoon rains and subsequent cooling trend initiate in July. The arrival of the monsoon rains also signals the beginning of the mango season. At this time of year, many Pakistanis travel to nearby villages to celebrate the arrival of fresh mangoes and appreciate their delicious flavor. Mangoes are used in a variety of sweets, including custard and ice cream.

  1. Bhadon [August/September]

The rainy season in Pakistan begins with Bhadon. Rain, thunderstorms, and sometimes minor flooding are the norm in August. The majority of the year’s precipitation falls at this time, causing rivers to rise. At this time of year, farmers also begin preparing fields for the planting of wheat and other cereals. After the sweltering heat of summer, this month’s refreshing wind and calm environment are much appreciated.

  1. Assu [September/October]

The second month of the wet season is called Assu. Infectious diseases like malaria and dengue are common after the September rains. It’s important for people to prioritize their health right now. Wheat and other grains are harvested during this season, and farmers enjoy the fruits of their labor. This month sees a large influx of tourists to Pakistan due to the pleasant weather that makes it perfect for camping and sight-seeing.

  1. Kattak [October/November]

The end of the wet season occurs in Kattak, the third month of the year. The entire country is in a celebratory mood in October since it is traditionally the best month of the year. People from all over the country gather at the same time each year to celebrate the Islamic holiday of Eid-ul-Azha by sacrificing animals and exchanging gifts. The monsoon rains and generally mild weather this month make it a great time for outdoor pursuits.

  1. Magghar [November/December]

The first month of winter is called Magghar. Temperatures begin to drop to as low as 0 degrees Celsius in some areas in November, ushering in the coldest months of the year. Northern Pakistan typically receives its first snowfall this month, enhancing the country’s natural splendor. Both Diwali and Christmas are celebrated around this period. In honor of these two landmark events, many people decorate their homes with bright lights and colorful decorations.

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